Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Duzans

Tayloran, Avery, Abi, & Jacob
Ryan and Molly
Right before they were leaving, the dog finally decided that Avery could hold her!

Last weekend, we had more visitors. Jessica, Abi, and Jacob came for a visit. Jessica is the wife of Ryan's childhood friend, Jerry. She and I got to be friends when they were our neighbors back in Brocton. Her parents live in Centralia, so while they were visiting them, they made a side trip to see our new house. They also brought their puppy, Molly, whom we all fell in love with. We loved her even though she did not like Avery or myself. ( Avery, who is the biggest dog lover EVER - and who has wanted her own puppy since she was 3 - was crushed that the dog would growl at her every time she tried to pet it.

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