Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Trick or Treat

Braelyn & Daddy
The Crew
Collin & Addisyn
Loving sisters
Minnie Mouse
Can I have fries with that?
Avery & Madison
Dora & Diego
Boots and Dora
I am so happy to be Minnie Mouse!!!
Dora the Explorer
Miss Waitress
Avery the Angel
Trick or Treat 2007
We all enjoy Halloween in this family. Dressing up, getting candy, eating candy.... it's a win-win situation in our book! Benton is the only town around here that was celebrating trick or treat tonight. We asked our new found friend, Christy, to show us the ropes. We first hit a trick or trunk. It was held at a church, and cars were backed in with their trunks up and decorated. It was VERY parent friendly. At the end of the cars they served hot chocolate and popcorn. This was Braelyn's first time to be out of a stroller. She loved it! She was supposed to be Dora. I figured that I would be carrying her, so my mom made the costume, Boots, for me to wear. Ryan could be Diego without to much shame and embarassment. Well, last Saturday Braelyn refused to wear Dora, so we thought we would come up with another plan. Addisyn agreed to be Dora - not really what she wanted to be - so that Mine's hard work would not go to waste. She hated the wig and the shoe covers. Avery only took one tumble in her angel costume - only 1 scraped knee, and tayloran was so light on her feet - happy to be the waitress. She had so many compliments on her costume. Thanks so much to Christy for helping make this a successful night for us!!!


Debbie and Phillip said...

Their costume are too cute! Benton sounds like a fun place on Halloween! Hope they got lots of goodies!

steph said...

You guys all look great! Love yours and ryans costumes!