Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Briggs 6 months

Briggs turned 6 months old on Sunday. He has been such a great joy to all of us. He is the center of all of our worlds! I'm not so sure that's a good thing. THe girls love, love, love him! Ryan and I - knowing how fast they grow up - try not to take one day forgranted! Briggs can light up a room with his smile. He is RARELY grouchy. He is really starting to talk and has learned to squeal.

Briggs loves to:
* pull hair
* roll everywhere
* play in his jumparoo
* play in his exersaucer
* eat food - except peaches ( I was holding him while eating a sandwich. I brough it to my mouth and I noticed his was open, too!
* have his paci
* hold his Illini blankie
* play with his new toys
* sit up and play
* have someone talk to him

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Anonymous said...

He looks like such a big boy sitting up by himself!!! So cute!!

Debbie and Phillip said...

what a handsome grandson!