Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sunday - Spring is here!!!!

My beloved Lexi! The best present Ryan has ever bought me.
Addisyn & Braelyn
Tayloran, Madison, Avery, Collin & Addisyn
Madison, Addisyn, Collin & Tayloran
Addisyn is cashed out. She was playing her Daddy's golf playstation game!

Sunday was such a tease. We came out from church and it was 72 degrees. We couldn't wait to get outside and do something. Ryan and I decided that we would finish unpacking the garage! The girls enjoyed playing on the trampoline and riding their bikes. Lexi enjoyed just being outside!!! ( having a 12 year old dog is SOOO NICE! they don't get into trouble!!!) Our friend, Christy, stopped by with her kids. It was nice to have a friend over - even if she was seeing your trashed garage!!! The kids enjoyed the company, too! Here are a few pictures.


Macnme said...

Got a big tease here also...74 degrees on Sunday...what a bummer to now have iced doors and windows and 6 inches of snow coming!!! Blah, bah humbug!!!!!! Think Spring!! Cute, cute pixs of all the kiddies and Lexer!!

max said...

That is quite a dog story! Pets are very much a learning experience! What is learned is "in the eye of the beholder." One thing for certain, you are an excellent writer! I will congratulate & offer condolances all at the same time.

Grandpa Max

steph said...

I am ready for spring to be here and stay here!!! I am tired of having a houseful of wild children who want so bad to be outside. It has to get here soon, right?

Namaw Kak said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog. Yes the kids are growing up quickly. Congratulations on Miller #5 and a boy too. Kristyn will be thrilled, remember when she asked you last year if you would get her a baby cause her mom wouldn't.

I can't believe that Clayton will start kindergarten this fall in Charleston. Time flies.

Take care,
Kathy Pardi