Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Party

We had a great weekend. On Sat. night we ran out to a friends' house for burgers. THey raise goats. We opened up the van doors and the girls were holding their noses. What's that smell? - they all said. How fast they've forgotten farm life!! THey had a great time sitting by the fire, playing chase, and getting a ride from Chris! What a guy! THen on Sunday we went to CHristy's fall party. She had everything decked out! THe decorations were awesome. There was sooo much food. I think we all were miserable after dinner. We went out in the boonies on a hayride. Briggs slept right through the whole thing. All in all, it was a blast! Thanks for the invite! Hope we do it again next year. By the way - it did seem a little strange to go on a hayride when it was still 80 outside!!!

Tayloran, Madison, Avery & Brooklyn
Mitch, Amy - aka Mrs. Calcaterra - Addisyn's kinder. teacher, Addisyn, Melissa, Whitley, Whitley's friend, and Braelyn
Ryan and I had never been on a hayride together before. I can't tell you the last time I had even been on one. This week I have been on 2 in 3 days!
Amy in costume! Briggs - so not caring!Posted by Picasa


steph said...

Looks fun! I am not usually into fall/halloween but for some reason this year I am. I even bought a few halloween decorations!

Anonymous said...

Fun time for you all! I like the hayrack ride picture!! Briggs seems to be getting into the festivities!!