Saturday, October 25, 2008

Briggs is 3 months - no his hair is not red!!

Briggs is 3 months already. He loves to play with his hands, and is starting to find his feet. He is wanting to suck on his thumb, but we are working hard with the paci to prevent this. He isn't rolling over, but doesn't get the opportunity to practice with all of the sisters running around. Okay - with Braelyn in the house. I'm afraid he will be stepped on. Plus, we all still love to snuggle him. He is still a wonderful sleeper. Maybe I will finally get a child who wants to sleep in. It's Sat. morning at 10:04 and guess who is still in bed! EVERYONE asks if his hair is red. NO - it's not. It looks like it is in every picture. It is the color of Braelyn's. In sunlight it does have a tinge of a red tint - just like hers and Ryan's.

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Anonymous said...

He is getting soooo big! His hair does look a bit red in the pictures. What a cutie!!

max said...

Thanks for the updates! It is quite a crew when everyone can get together. Kaye surely has a lot of energy & dedication to pull off all of those birthdays and holiday activities.
I have 2 more full days of farming and then I should be off for the winter. Chris has his father-son camp this coming weekend. He has around 500 coming so it has gotten to be a big deal. Maybe Ryan and Briggs can camp out in a few years.
Grandpa Max

George and Krista said...

Hi Tricia~

I've thought that Briggs resembled Isaac but in the picture of you and him and Meg/Madeline, I thought he looked exactly like Braelyn. Hope to see you all soon...will you be up for Thanksgiving?
