Monday, September 3, 2007

First day of school


The first day of school was very nerve wracking for the girls. They were so worried about being labeled the new kid. I couldn't make them understand that there would be so many 4th or 3rd graders that the kids wouldn't really know if they were "new" or not. we were also having issues due to the fact that we waited until the day before school to get our school supplies. Leann kept telling me that I'd better get that done. I was thinking that it would be one less thing to move, but she had the pleasure of hearing me tell her that she was right! Yes, Leann, they were picked over. In fact, they were even out of pink pearl erasers and loose leaf paper. tayloran was in a frenzy that she wasn't 100% prepared. I was in shock the first day of school due to the traffic. the school is about 6 blocks from our house, and the cars were backed up all the way to the stop light in front of our house. We had already decided that we were walking, and it was a good thing. We beat cars to the school. I have never seen anything so crazy! It still is VERY hectic at drop off and pick up, but it is getting better! I used to think that having to park over on the side street at Oakland was a bad parking spot! In Benton, that would be rock star parking!


kris said...

Your family is beautiful as is your new home. I LOVE seeing these pics!!! No baby yet...I'm now 10 past due*%!!?*$%* and not happy about it! Collin started preschool today and Morgan, Mary and Collin all started soccer this week as well. So I've been wobbling around from event to event and dealing with contractions that hurt but do nothing! I'll let you know when it's the "real thing" - Kris

~Justin&Meg~ said...

Yay!! Love all the new pictures. Your house is adorable! Glad things are settling down for you all. The girls look so cute dressed for school--can't believe how old they are! The one of your whole family by the SOLD sign is great! I've got to update my blog...eventually!