Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I can't believe that Briggs is 4 months old already. I know that time flies, but really...4 months. I've tried so hard to pay attention to every little detail... He's so old already. He thinks he is such a big boy...It seems like those cuddly moments are few and far between.

*loves to stand
*has found his hands
*loves to chew on his hands
*would love to suck his 2nd and 3rd finger
*loves the paci if mommy is mean and won't let him suck his fingers
*laughs out loud
*still loves to eat
*loves Braelyn ( not sure why - i guess he must love to be licked - oh poor boy)
*loves his other sisters
*really loves his mommy
*has had his tongue clipped.
*looks so cute snuggled with daddy watching football

THe first photo is of Daddy and Briggs at the hospital. He had his tongue clipped Tues morning. We were only away from him for about 18 min. I'm wondering how many thousand that will actually cost??? He woke up at 5 and was super mad that he couldn't eat. He finally went back to sleep and was happy at the hospital from 7-8. I guess he had figured out that breakfast wasn't in the plans for the am.

Poor Briggs, he has no idea he's about to go under the knife!!!!
Enjoying the early Christmas present from Mine!!!

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~Justin&Meg~ said...

Hey there! love all the new pictures. Wow...Briggs is such a cutie! I like the picture of Ryan camping out w/ the girls...reminds me of my dad. :) hope you are all doing well.


Duzan's said...

He is getting so big!!! I will be down that way after Christmas for about a week, hopefully we can get together!!!!

steph said...

He is getting so big!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, he is getting to be such a big boy! He is really a smiling boy, isn't he? Such a cutie!