Saturday, October 25, 2008

Briggs is 3 months - no his hair is not red!!

Briggs is 3 months already. He loves to play with his hands, and is starting to find his feet. He is wanting to suck on his thumb, but we are working hard with the paci to prevent this. He isn't rolling over, but doesn't get the opportunity to practice with all of the sisters running around. Okay - with Braelyn in the house. I'm afraid he will be stepped on. Plus, we all still love to snuggle him. He is still a wonderful sleeper. Maybe I will finally get a child who wants to sleep in. It's Sat. morning at 10:04 and guess who is still in bed! EVERYONE asks if his hair is red. NO - it's not. It looks like it is in every picture. It is the color of Braelyn's. In sunlight it does have a tinge of a red tint - just like hers and Ryan's.

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Harvest party

I was a little early in my description. Here are the 14 kids lined up. THanks for a great time. The girls really enjoyed seeing everyone. Somehow I missed getting closeups of our other niece, Tyra and our oldest, Tayloran. Sorry girlies!

Tayloran, Mason, Tyra, Avery, Jayden, Julia, Jimissy, Addisyn, Reagan, Braelyn, Justin, Bradyn, Matthew, & Briggs. The boys have made a HUGE comback in the last couple of years. Before, it was girl central.

Grandpa & Briggs

JimissyPosted by Picasa

Grandma and Grandpa's harvest party

On to the next party. Ryan's sister took the girls to visit GG and then to the park for some cute pictures. Briggs and I visited with family. We then met up with them at Ryan's dad's house. Kaye always goes all out with crafts, lots of food, and games for the kids. THey love this party. This year she did an outdoor weinie roast. Briggs and I missed the pumpkin painting, but from some pictures - it looks like a good time was had by all. We did line all of the grandkiddies up - 14!!! Just think - the oldest is 10 ( 11 in Dec ) Right now we have

10 - 2 Tayloran and Mason
9 - 2 Tyra & Avery
7-2 Jayden & Julia
6 Jimissy
5-2 Addisyn & Reagan
3-2 Braelyn & Justin
2-2 Brayden & Matthew
3 months Briggs

RYan's dad predicted that they would have 2 grandkids a year. He was pretty close in his predictions. It's definitely a busy and loud place when they are all together.

Braelyn enjoying her dinner
Aunt Carla and BriggsPosted by Picasa

Dinner at Gram and Grandpa Millers

We were so lucky to get invited to Great Grandma and Grandpa Millers for Sunday dinner. If there is something that we miss about home - it's Sunday dinner!!!! Grandma even fixed my favorite - her meatballs. They are so delicious. Plus, she even had noodles. YUM!!! We really enjoyed the leftovers that she sent home. The girls enjoyed getting to see their cousins and the gparents.

Addisyn, Bradyn, Braelyn, & Jimissy
The big kid table - Avery, Tayloran, & Tyra
Me, Megan, Briggs & Madeline. THey were only to be a week apart and ended up being 3. Briggs was a week early and Madeline was 2 weeks late! Poor Meg. Madeline is such a petite little lady and Briggs is a bruiser!!! His overalls are a little big and give him some balk, but he was huge compared to her!!! Meg - it was great to see you and to visit. I wish we were walking in the mornings.

Ryan's Aunt Mary with Isaac. Briggs reminds us of Isaac when he was little. Posted by Picasa

Homecoming game night

Traci has been bringing her vehicle to the field so we can keep the little ones out of the cold. It's been wonderful. Briggs was all bundled up. Poor guy. The Rangers won their homecoming game! YEAH!!!

Traci, Abby, Addisyn & Braelyn
Briggs - probably feeling smothered!
Addisyn wanted to take a picture of Briggs and I
After we got home from the game. This is the first picture I have gotten of all the girls in their "maroon!!! Poor Briggs - his Maroon is all short sleeved!Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pep Rally

TOday is homecoming. The girls got out of school at 11 today - everyone in town goes to the pep rally and parade. The pep rally was a lot of fun, and then the girls headed out with Ryan to get on the football trailer. I'm not sure where Addisyn is in these photos. Braelyn was sad that Daddy said she couldnt' go, but she enjoyed stuffing her face full of candy. It was really warm out this afternoon - a perfect fall game. Briggs slept - I know you are all surprised - thru most of the pep session. The screaming contest ( between classes ) lulled him right to sleep. He must have felt right at home. Hopefully there will be a big win tonight!!! GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan and Briggs - Daddy was carrying him all over showing him off!! He has on official Future Ranger wear.
Here's Braelyn - pestering Briggs as usual. Poor guy!
Here are the girls riding in the parade. What a surprise - Avery is sampling the candy instead of throwing it!!!!
Madison, Collin & Braelyn collecting the loot.Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Party

We had a great weekend. On Sat. night we ran out to a friends' house for burgers. THey raise goats. We opened up the van doors and the girls were holding their noses. What's that smell? - they all said. How fast they've forgotten farm life!! THey had a great time sitting by the fire, playing chase, and getting a ride from Chris! What a guy! THen on Sunday we went to CHristy's fall party. She had everything decked out! THe decorations were awesome. There was sooo much food. I think we all were miserable after dinner. We went out in the boonies on a hayride. Briggs slept right through the whole thing. All in all, it was a blast! Thanks for the invite! Hope we do it again next year. By the way - it did seem a little strange to go on a hayride when it was still 80 outside!!!

Tayloran, Madison, Avery & Brooklyn
Mitch, Amy - aka Mrs. Calcaterra - Addisyn's kinder. teacher, Addisyn, Melissa, Whitley, Whitley's friend, and Braelyn
Ryan and I had never been on a hayride together before. I can't tell you the last time I had even been on one. This week I have been on 2 in 3 days!
Amy in costume! Briggs - so not caring!Posted by Picasa

Friday Night Football

Friday night football didn't go so well last week. We haven't been getting there until halftime due to the girls' softball lesson. Traci Clod told me the week before that I had brought bad luck. Ryan didn't think they would have a great game, but when we got there they were only losing by 6. However, after halftime things went downhill. Traci gave me the look to leave NOW! So, I packed up the kids and Mine and we headed home. Our leaving didn't bring them better luck. Sorry, guys.

Bradyn - thanks for letting Briggs borrow your fuzzy bear suit. He was snug as a bug!
Posted by PicasaBraelyn enjoying diet coke! They were out of popcorn:(

Pumpkin Patch

After the park, we went to the pumpkin patch. They got to eat lunch, go on a hay ride, attend a pumpkin carving, and then they got to pick out a pumpkin to take home. Briggs & Braelyn enjoyed their first hayride!

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Addisyn's field trip at the park

Addisyn had her first field trip last friday. they went to the park and then the pumpkin patch. There are 5 classes of kindergarten. 3 went to the park first. The classes each have a color, and Addisyn's is yellow. Braelyn, Mine, Briggs, and I went along to help. I thought Braelyn would have so much fun playing at the park, but she sat on Mine's lap the whole time.

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Choir on Wed!!!!!

Brae n Addisyn sing in a childrens choir on wed nights at church. This week they had pj (praise Jesus) night! I loved it! They were ready to throw in bed as soon as we got home! Braelyn sang but was pretty much a cling on to Addisyn> No one picked their nose, so it was a success!

Briggs so excited about being in his car seat! NOT!
Posted by PicasaMine was down. We went to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua! Briggs slept all thru his first movie!