Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

Mom bought gingerbread houses for the girls to make over Thanksgiving break. This was a first for all of us. The kit was very user friendly!!! I helped the little girls and Mine supervised the older two. Our roof only fell in once! I think it had a too much pusing on one side. Addisyn decorated one side of the house and Braelyn the other. THey all turned out really nice. We were a little disappointed that we couldn't bring them home. We just couldn't find room to squeeze them in the van. Plus, we were afraid that Noel would eat them during a pit stop!

It was hard to keep Braelyn out of the candy! She wanted to do more eating than decorating!
Addisyn was very proud of her side of the house.
Avery and Tayloran completed their house and had plenty of candy to spare at the end. Guess who ate that?
Briggs was such a sport. He was a great little brother and was very content to hang out in the swing!
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steph said...

They look good! I am impressed. I have always wanted to try them but never have. So they really are user friendly???

Anonymous said...

Very nice girls! Seriously, how easy were they?! Ruben & me are still having bad flashbacks to doing one when Emily was little! Nice swing for Mr. Miller!

Macnme said...

Great houses!! It appears they had better luck than our girls at the Halloween houses!! Can't wait till Xmas to see you all again!