Monday, April 6, 2009

Do I have to be a Cub fan?

My cousin, Lesley, got Briggs this Cub outfit last year at one of his showers. It is going to fit perfectly this spring/summer! However, we put him in it and he cried the whole time! I, being a Cardinal fan, took this as a sign!!! I don't think he wants to be a Cub fan. Who could blame him!! Who wants to cheer for a team who always disappoints?????

Gag me! Do I have to be a Cub fan???
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Anonymous said...

He was probably crying BECAUSE you are a Cardinal fan!! You hurt his feelings, Mommy!!

Duzan's said...

It's o.k. Briggs I am not a Cub's fan either!!!!

steph said...

not a cubs or cardinal fan....white sox!!!