Saturday, July 4, 2009

11 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My baby...... 11 months old. He is walking, climbinb, into everything, a squealer, but still a joy!!!! He is bound and determined to get everywhere. He doesn't mind falling. He crawls back to the couch to pull up and heads off again. We've caught him all the way up the steps twice! Whoops!!! We have a gate.... it's hard to remember to shut it every time! The funny thing.... he knows when it's been left open. He loves to be outside. Loves everything with wheels. Loves the dog and his sisters. Still is a complete Mama's boy. Finally just said Dada on 7/2!!! Doesn't wave bye bye! Finally likes his bottle, and still LOVES his paci!!! He also now has a blankie that he doesn't sleep well without. Isn't eating table food, but doesn't like baby food as well. Loves anything with sweet potatoes.... loves cheerios.... loves to feed himself. However, if he doesn't like the feel of it... he won't even taste it. He loves to swim in the pool.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So darn cute!! What a wonderful smile!