Thursday, May 22, 2008

4 D Sonogram

Ryan and I were both so excited for our 4d sonogram. Ryan had a coworker show him one that they had had taken, and he thought that if ours was as clear, we would be able to tell who our baby looked like. Our child was just as cooperative this time as he was the first time. He apparently doesn't want us to know what he looks like. He had one had covering his face and the other side of his face was crammed down on my uterine wall. the pictures don't show up tissue to tissue. The guy worked with us for about 30 min before we called it quits. The baby was sleeping so sound ( apparently like his father) and didn't move the whole time!!! We did get one picture of him trying to suck his hands, but that was it!!!! We were told we could come back and try it again. Great!!!! So, we went back this Tues. Avery's teacher told me to drink a Mountain Dew before we went. Great idea. On the way there I pounded a MD and the baby was ALL OVER THE PLACE. Perfect. We get in there and had to wait for 30 min. By the time we got in, he had crashed from his sugar high and was sleeping with his whole arm over the top of his head. We did get to see more than we saw the first time - he has chubby cheeks and we did see his eyes. However, you still couldn't see very well with his arm placement and then there was the umbilical cord right next to his face. I was determined to get a great picture and kept poking at him. He finally got mad and flipped both of his feet over his head. At least we know that he has 10 fingers and 10 toes. We have plenty of shots of his arms and hands. Leann, at this point I'm agreeing with you - it's a Miller!!! STUBBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess we will have to wait to see if it's a Taylor or a Miller. Who knows - maybe we have actually mixed our genes this time. The only other news - he changed from being head down to side to side. Wonderful. I hope he gets turned back around the right way. ***By the way, Ryan had both people double check, and it is still a boy!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm going with a mix this time of Taylor & Miller!! He'll be a very handsome,lucky, & loved little boy!!

kris said...

You guys sure are looks like everything is going well and that's great. I can't believe how fast it's gone by!! Baby Miller will be here before you know it!!

steph said...

Stubborn, huh??? I can't imagine a child being stubborn. Baby boy Miller will be here before you know it. I can't wait to meet him and see how all of his big sisters love on him, not to mention see you with a little boy!!!

~Justin&Meg~ said...

Ok, Tricia, since I haven't seen you in person in ages, how bout another belly picture?? I'll post one of me, if you do. :) :)


ps. I was racing Samuel while we were walking tonight. Wow, jogging while preggo adds lots of pressure! ha! :)