Thursday, October 2, 2008

Briggs the Dinosaur

It doesn't seem like I have very many pictures of the older girls with Briggs. By the time they get home from school it is homework, dinner, baths, etc. Of course, then there are the nights that we have gym, dancing, choir, football games, etc. So, it seems like the picture taking gets done during the afternoon or after everyone is in bed. The older girls didn't have choir last night and enjoyed having Briggs all to themselves. We were in love with Briggs' dinosaur socks. The picture doesn't do them justice. They ARE the cutest things.

Briggs loves Tayloran. She is always the one who comes right in from school to snuggle him. He will be spoiled rotten!
Posted by PicasaAvery was disappointed that he wasn't smiling as big in her picture as he was in Tayloran's. Avery is so good to help with Briggs. You can always count on her to go get something that he needs.


steph said...

those socks are so darn cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those socks are sooo cute!! What a great picture of Tayloran and Briggs!! Thanks for putting new pictures on!!

erin said...

Those are adorable!

He is just the cutest little boy.

We just recently found out that we are expecting #5 also. You make it look so easy. Any tips?