Monday, February 2, 2009

K'nex Dragondrop Rollercoaster!

Tayloran wanted this so bad for Christmas. It's age range was 9+. It came with an instruction booklet like I have never seen with a kid's toy. Ryan thought he's had it put together in no time! I'll have to ask him again how long it took. I think if truthful, it was 6-8 hours. I can't remember if they started it before they went out in the snow or after! It is pretty cool. Definitely a parent/child toy.

Tayloran, RYan, & Briggs with the rollercoaster!
He had these parts left over! It works, though. I guess that's what counts!
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1 comment:

steph said...

we had the same parts left over when we put ours together!