Monday, February 25, 2008

Baby Boy Miller

the face - and what tayloran calls a chicken wing leg
His wonderful position. Face down and his toes are about to touch his forehead. At least the spine looks good! He weighs an estimated 8 oz.

It is confirmed! Baby Miller #5 is a boy! All of you moms out there are telling me how easy boys are. This boy isn't being very cooperative at all! He is in a taco position. He is rear down and his feet look like they are about to touch his forehead. Not good. We couldn't even get a look at his face. It would pop thru for a second, but not enough time for a picture. Didn't get a picture of the male parts either. The cord is down there, but the lady said she saw the other parts that went along - it is not a question. I sure hope he flips around because I definitely do not want to have a c-section on #5. Everything else looked good - or looked good to me. This hospital gives 4D ultrasounds at 30 weeks. They will make a CD and will print/frame a picture of your baby. I am already scheduled for May 16th. He was measureing right on at 18 weeks 4 days. EDD: July 25th! This is Ryan's bday. Now we have to pick out a name!


Duzan's said...

c0812Yey!!! I am so happy it's a boy!!!! All that matters is that whatever it may be, he or she is healthy!!! Congrats to all of you!!! How do all the sisters feel about having a baby brother?

~Justin&Meg~ said...

How fun!! Oh, it's so early...I'm sure he'll do some flips for you. :) Samuel stayed that way from 32 weeks on. After he was born, his feet would automatically go up by his ears. Little frog :) Ha! Did you check K's blog? She has a few pix from the weekend too. Ooh, and how fun to pick out a boy name!


steph said...

I am so excited for all of you!!!

Macnme said...

Feet to the forehead....Mr. Miller Jr. must take after you because it definitely isn't my brother who can't sit on the floor and touch his toes with his fingers or barely sit Indian style!! Ryan and I, I do not believe, have ever been what I would call flexible!!

We are so excited!!

maddox1012 said...

Congratulations on your boy...finally! I bet Mr. Miller is thrilled!
<3 Meagan and Jaidyn