Saturday, August 9, 2008


I came downstairs to find Briggs with his hand over his eye. It was like - oh,Calgon - take me away. The girls were playing the Wii while he was trying to peacefully swing. By the time I got the camera he had moved it down. It still reminds me of someone saying - oh, they are giving me a headache!!! He was probably hoping for some peace and quiet. Good luck finding that in this house!!!

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Anonymous said...

What a great picture! You would like to know what is going on in his mind, wouldn't you?!?

steph said...

I have a picture almost exactly the same of Hunter!! I am sure they are thinking will you all just be quiet and let me get some rest!!! The quiet never happens in this house and thankfully Hunter has learned to live with it. He is now one of the loudest.