Thursday, August 21, 2008

First of School 2008

The first day of school was yesterday. We registered on Tues ( took me two hours - waited in one line for 45 min) and then they went all day on Wed. Tayloran was a basket case worrying about how she would find her classes, being late getting from one class to another, etc. Avery was very excited to start 4th grade. Addisyn was all excited until I started crying as I was taking her out of the van. She was then a little taken back due to a gym full of kids waiting to go to class. She was fine once she got into her room. The great part is that I am friends with Addisyn's teacher so I can easily get updates. Addisyn loved school. The hard part is getting everyone around in the morning. So far, 2 days, we have made it on time. Yesterday Braelyn went in pj's and today it was Briggs. We'll see if we can accomplish everyone dressed for tomorrow am! Too bad school didn't start at 10!

Tayloran 5th Grade
Avery 4th Grade
Addisyn - Kindergarten
The clan - Braelyn decided that she didn't want to get left out.
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Anonymous said...

Your girls are growing up so fast! I can't believe Addisyn is in Kindergarten now. Nice pjs on Braelyn!! I think Tayloran & Emily should be starting Small Blessings, not the 5th grade!

steph said...

I am still impressed you made it through registration!!! The girls look so darn cute!

Debbie and Phillip said...

How sweet the girls look! Hard to believe they are that old already! Good luck at school girls. Love Nana