Friday, August 29, 2008

Reunion Sunday

Last Sunday was my mom's family reunion at our trailer. As a child I was always so excited for reunion weekend. We would get a big tent and all of us kids would sleep outside in the tent. My mom has been taking the girls for the weekend the past two years. They have went and slept in the trailer. This year 16 people slept in a single wide trailer! Holy Cow!!! We thought we had a trailer full when it was just 3 kids and four adults! My dad would have gotten a big kick out of that many people all squeezed in together. The girls had a great time playing in the mud, the creek, and catching frogs. YUK! I actually did all of this stuff when I was their age - no frogs for me. Pam, Ang, and I hiked thru these woods, the water, etc. We would be gone all afternoon. To my knowledge, neither of us have ever had poison ivy. That is a miracle in itself. I took these pictures of my kids in the mud for Leann. She is a litle worried that I will have Briggs sitting on the front porch swing his whole life - not getting dirty. I will let them get dirty, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I was cringing the whole time. I was especially gritting my teeth when I thought a frog jumped out of Avery's hands into Briggs' diaper bag!!!! So, Leann - enjoy!!!! By the way, I asked Addisyn what her favorite part of the weekend was - she answered, " playing in the mud". REALLY?????

Gracie getting Loran. They were having a great time snacking and trying to escape!!!
CeCe, Avery, Ali, Tayloran, and Addisyn - YUK!!!!!!!! I can still smell the mud/pond smell!
The creek where many hours were spent!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You weren't kidding! I expected a little bit of mud, but I must say I am impressed by them and you (especially!)!!! Brandon would have loved being there!!! What a neat place for reunions!