Sunday, July 29, 2007


BABY A = Loran Rae Tate

Loran looking at her Momma

Loran getting ready for a diaper change
BABY B = Grayson Mae Tate
First time feeding Gracie

The girls are doing great. Please pray for Gracie. She is not wanting to eat enough. She has the feeding tube in again right now. However, she is doing better and will hopefully be home very soon!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


All of our prayers were answered. Pam and Darrin are the proud parents of two little girls - Baby A and Baby B. Baby B was a little smaller than expected, but is quite fiesty. She may only be 4 lbs 3 oz, but she is a fighter. She was only on oxygen for a short time. Baby A was fed, and was quite content being passed from one baby crazed family member to another. You would think that the baby craze would have worn off by now ( between the three cousins we have 11 kids already), but it hasn't. I can't tell you how releived we all are to know that these babies have made it here. I am so excited for Pam and Darrin to enjoy baby parenthood all over again! Aubrey was a great big sister. She couldn't give Baby A enough kisses!!!

Big Sister Aubrey with Baby A
Align CenterBaby A - 6 lbs 9 oz 19 in
Daddy and Baby A
Still playing the name game!!!
Baby B - 4 lbs 3 oz 18 1/2
Aubrey and Mommy visiting Baby B

Sunday at the Cabin


Ryan and the girls had a wonderful time with family at the Miller Cabin. The cabin is owned by Chris, Ryan's uncle. Ryan's aunt was home from Missouri with her girls, and Mary invited us out to visit and to have a tasty lunch. If you read the previous post, you know that Tayloran and I weren't able to go. We were sad, but what can you do?! I sent Ryan with the camera expecting him to forget to take pictures. I was VERY surprised that he took pictures - lots of them!

Ryan,Addisyn,Avery, & BraelynLeah, Eva, Ashton, Therese, McKenzie, Megan, Max, Isaac, & Ryan
(Grandchildren of Max and Bobbie Miller - minus Carla & Krista)

Grands and Great Grands
Eva & Addisyn - I would have loved to have heard this conversation!
Eva, Julia, Addisyn, & Braelyn ( Braelyn sitting still - WOW!)
Sterling Taber - 1st cousin to Lisa Miller Skoog, Chris Miller, and Jim Miller

Lisa and Chris are Ryan's dad's siblings

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Am I crazy or what?! Ryan and I hosted a sleepover for all of these little girls. Things weren't too bad since we didn't get home from the Royers until about 10. However, they didn't seem to understand that there was no time to play! They had a snack and played around while Ryan and I got the beds set up. Avery has had a busy week, so it didn't take her long to pass out. The rest went soon after - except for the ornery ones- Madison and Emily. They didn't go to sleep until about 1:00 am. So, sorry Bev and Leann if they are grouchy today. So, here is the group this morning ready for church. Now, I'm going to toot my own horn! For those of you who like to kid me about running a "few" minutes behind, listen to this. We were ready in time for 9:00 am church. They were dressed, hair combed, and ready to go. I even made pancakes for breakfast ( not premade), made a layered lettuce salad and baked brownies for the cookout we are to attend at noon. Are you impressed yet???? There was one glitch!! As we are heading down the road to church, one of the youngsters got sick! You can just imagine the van full of little girls yelling, "EWWWW"! Ryan dropped off the sickly and myself on the side of the road and proceeded to church! I'm hoping all went well! Hopefully our next sleepover will end on a happier note!

Addisyn, Madison, Tayloran, Avery, Rebecca, & not to be left out - Braelyn
Emily is hiding because she is wearing a dress!
Madison & Emily - the ornery ones!!
Tayloran & Becca
Addisyn Riley
Avery - first out!


The Royers invited us to a cookout at their house last night. In attendance were the Royers, the Doug/Penny Krabel fam, the Kyley/Kelsey Willison clan, the Keith/Bev Notaro bunch, and our troop! The kids had a great time playing together. It is so nice to have friends who have the same values as Ryan and I. In our bunch there were 15 females and 8 males. The Krabels and our family can claim 10 of those - 8 being children. If you can believe it, only 1 tattle tale ( Addisyn thought she was pushed down). the kids get along so well. It makes for a very enjoyable evening for the adults! Thanks Ruben and Leann for inviting us all over!

Kelsey & Krayten
Baby Karsten
Madi, Brandon & Addisyn
Emily & Tayloran
Kyley, Ryan, & Avery

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Trip to Benton - The girls and I took Ryan to Benton on Friday. We went to "our house" to look around one more time. The girls and Clod were testing out the front porch swing.

tayloran, Braelyn, Avery, Addisyn, and Clodfelder

This is the girls' new school. It was built in 2000, and as the girls say, "It's sweet!" It was very nice, and we were all impressed. It's definitely a step up from Oakland. This building houses k-8. The grades are segregated K-2, 3-4, and 5-8. It will be nice that the girls are in the same section. Each section has their own gym and computer lab. There will be 5 sections of each of the grades. They also do "organized" recess. They don't just turn them loose at noon hour. they are divided into groups and will do activities - jump rope, kickball, etc. Ryan and I are both thrilled with this idea. It makes me feel better knowing that they won't be sitting on the sidelines without friends because they are the "new" kids. They are also excited about the time change. they will go to school at 8:05 and are out by 2:45. We also went to meet some of the secretaries in the Unit Office. They were very nice, and were telling us about another advantage that the school offers. They have a mobile dr office sitting outside the school twice a week. Talk about service! The girls and I can even use it. What a great idea!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner is a big event in the Miller family. Ryan's Grandma Bobbie has been the host of these dinners for several years. We now attend in shifts due to the grandchildren getting married and having babies of their own. Grandma Bobbie cooks for many, and today her tables were full. Grandma is a wonderful cook but Ryan and I have our favorite menus. Ryan's is chicken and noodles, and in my book - it's the meatballs. Today we enjoyed lunch with Ryan's Uncle Chris, Aunt Mary, their children, and two of their grandchildren. Ryan's Dad was also in attendance. We were all excited to meet the newest member of the family, Baby William. I hope that Ryan and I will be hosting Sunday Dinners with our girls and their families someday.

l-r Braelyn, Samuel, Addisyn, Grandma, Avery,Tayloran, Eva, Isaac, and Max.

Grandma to some and Great Grandma to others. Grandma Bobbie is famous for teaching everyone to "dunk" their cookies. Max is holding the infamous "cookie bucket". Grandma always has her bucket full for when Grandchildren stop by. I will never forget the first time that I caught Tayloran and Avery dunking their cookies. I was a little irritated that they were making such a mess - dripped milk everywhere,etc. However, they proceeded to tell me that Grandma Bobbie had taught them this new trick. I really couldn't be mad at all. She was the one who taught their own father to dunk his cookies!! By the way, does anyone want to try to guess who the grands and great grands are???? Might by tricky!!!

Avery & Great Grandpa Max
Aunt Leah & William
L-R Braelyn, Samuel, Eva, & Addisyn
Jim ( Ryan's Dad), Grandpa Max, & Me
Today Grandma set up 3 tables to seat us all. I think the Miller blog referred to this one as the "middlers" table. L-R (Leah, Max, Therese, Tayloran, Avery, and Isaac.

Twin Girls

My cousin Pam, who is like a sister, is expecting twin girls any time! She is 34 1/2 weeks, and I am so excited to meet these babies. Ryan is hoping that if I help take care of these little girls it might get the baby itch out of my system! Last sunday, July 8th, we had a shower to help get her ready for their arrival. She got a lot of great gifts. I'm sure her favorite was from her daughter, Aubrey, who will be 10 in Sept. She made a quilt for her sisters with a little help from one of her grandmas. She will be such a great big sister. She has gotten a lot of practice in with all of her cousins.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our New House

I might be jumping the gun in posting this, but we think we have a house. We are waiting till ours closes to close on this one. We are so thankful that our prayers have been answered. So, for those of you who haven't seen it, here is home to be.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ryan's new office

Ryan and I took a trip to Benton last Thursday with my mom, his grandma, Addisyn, and Braelyn. It was a fast and furious trip!! We did look at two houses, and we took a fast tour of Ryan's new AD office. He thinks he's the big cheese with air conditioning and a secretary. The gym was a double decker with stadium seating in the top! The football stadium also has a block of stadium seating, and the locker rooms are under the stadium. That was nifty. The house I liked was diagonal from the football practice field, but it also happens to be right next door to Casey's. All of my friends were laughing so hard when hearing that. I am a big fan of diet coke!!! Braelyn already knows to go for the big red cup!!! We are going back down to Benton on Tues. We'll let you know how it goes!