Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner is a big event in the Miller family. Ryan's Grandma Bobbie has been the host of these dinners for several years. We now attend in shifts due to the grandchildren getting married and having babies of their own. Grandma Bobbie cooks for many, and today her tables were full. Grandma is a wonderful cook but Ryan and I have our favorite menus. Ryan's is chicken and noodles, and in my book - it's the meatballs. Today we enjoyed lunch with Ryan's Uncle Chris, Aunt Mary, their children, and two of their grandchildren. Ryan's Dad was also in attendance. We were all excited to meet the newest member of the family, Baby William. I hope that Ryan and I will be hosting Sunday Dinners with our girls and their families someday.

l-r Braelyn, Samuel, Addisyn, Grandma, Avery,Tayloran, Eva, Isaac, and Max.

Grandma to some and Great Grandma to others. Grandma Bobbie is famous for teaching everyone to "dunk" their cookies. Max is holding the infamous "cookie bucket". Grandma always has her bucket full for when Grandchildren stop by. I will never forget the first time that I caught Tayloran and Avery dunking their cookies. I was a little irritated that they were making such a mess - dripped milk everywhere,etc. However, they proceeded to tell me that Grandma Bobbie had taught them this new trick. I really couldn't be mad at all. She was the one who taught their own father to dunk his cookies!! By the way, does anyone want to try to guess who the grands and great grands are???? Might by tricky!!!

Avery & Great Grandpa Max
Aunt Leah & William
L-R Braelyn, Samuel, Eva, & Addisyn
Jim ( Ryan's Dad), Grandpa Max, & Me
Today Grandma set up 3 tables to seat us all. I think the Miller blog referred to this one as the "middlers" table. L-R (Leah, Max, Therese, Tayloran, Avery, and Isaac.


kris said...

What a great post! I am jealous of your big family dinners. We live so far away from extended family that it doesn't happen for us too often. My kiddos miss their cousins terribly! You can't put a price on what extended family means to a child growing up - it really makes a difference! Hope you keep up the blog 'cause it's nice to see what's going on with your family...

Macnme said...

Hey guys,

I wish I could have been there at g-ma's with you all! I just hate missing her dinners, but we hope to have many of them soon after we get moved down there!! What a great looking family we have!!

Lots of love to all,
Carla and fam