Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cookie Baking

The girls have been wanting to bake cookies, and last Sunday afternoon - I gave in. I like to bake, it's I like to do it myself - not as much mess. I have to remind myself to take the time to let them do all the steps, even if 3 days later I'm still scraping sugar from the counter and the floor. They actually didn't do too bad. It entertained them for a couple of hours. Needless to say, these were super dupered sprinkle cookies. We managed to use the whole jar! Oh well.

I had to include this picture of Braelyn later that afternoon. She was holding Briggs and when I came back to check on her, she had balanced his paci on his head.
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steph said...

I love to bake too but like you I much rather do it myself. I usually give in every few baking sessions and let the boys help. The girls do look like they had fun though.
Love the picture of the paci balanced on Briggs head:)

Anonymous said...

The cookies look yummy! They look like Titan colored cookies!