Monday, September 1, 2008


The girls posing after church. It was one of those sweet moments that you catch every once in awhile!

Christy had rented the movie RV. It was soo funny. It was rated PG, but the adult humor was WAY over their heads. In fact, I thought the movie Cars was worse than this. It was about a family that lived a "first class" lifestyle. They were supposed to take a summer vacation to Hawaii. That fell thru and the Dad rented a RV to drive them to Colorado. I kept picturing Ryan and I taking the 5 kids on a trip in a RV. that would be quite an experience. Christy, her 3 sisters, and parents used to take these trips. I'm sure it brought back a few memories for her.
Christy and Braelyn. Braelyn just thinks Christy is the berries!
Briggs, Tayloran, Madison, & Avery. Briggs looks just thrilled to be smothered by the girls.
Collin & Addisyn
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