Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dr Appointment - long day

On Monday, I had my appointment with the OB dr. Tayloran decided that she would go with me while the other 3 went to Christy's house. Our appointment wasn't until 10, and we weren't out of there until about 11:30. It was a long wait for Tayloran - and me, too. We leave the dr, get a drink at McDonalds, and are heading back to Benton to meet the kids and Christy at McDonalds. All of a sudden - as we pull up to a stoplight - we get slammed in the rear. Great. I called the dr to see what I should do. He wanted me to go get checked out at the ER. They took us up to the OB floor and we spent the next three hours being monitored, having bloodwork done, etc. Poor Tayloran. It was such a long day for her. Poor Christy - it was a long day for her, too. She might not offer to watch the girls while I go to the dr anymore. The nurses said that the baby looked strong and that my bloodwork was fine. That was a relief. The van didn't fare so well. It will hopefully be done by the time we get back from TX. I had no after effects from the van incident. However, I fell down the stairs the next morning. My back and arm hurt for the next couple of days, but baby seems fine!!! Ryan thinks I have it out for his son.


steph said...

I am glad the van is all that was hurt in the accident. Has Tayloran calmed down from it yet???

Anonymous said...

Your poor van really got smashed!! I'm thinking it was a sign not to leave the house for while.....or to take a 14 hour ride to Texas!! You are a Super Mom/Wife!!

Duzan's said...

I am glad everyone is o.k. The van can be fixed or replaced, you and the kiddies can't. Take care of yourself!!!

Macnme said...

Very glad everybody is okay. We were worried. Hopefully the van will be fixed by the time you all get home and you won't miss it.


The Wilson's said...

I think that someone was trying to tell you to not make the LONG trip to TX!!! Just a worried prego's opinion!